Burn that fat!


Throughout history, the palm tree has provided us with invaluable materials for everyday life. Although it encompasses several species only one of it, namely Cocos nucifera can bear coconuts. The oil extracted from the coconut fruit i.e., coconut oil has been recognized as a healing oil in Ayurvedic medicine several millennia ago during the Vedic era.

Coconut oil is one of the healthiest oils you can consume. It is rich in lauric acid, known for its antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal effect, and it contains no trans fatty. Lauric acid also has the advantage that it becomes monolaurin in the body. Monolaurin is used to destroy several disease-causing bacteria. Besides coconut oil can also be used on skin to prevent wrinkles, mask scars and blemishes. Another of the antimicrobial components of coconut oil is capric acid. It is another medium fatty acid that has several of the same benefits as lauric acid. Capric acid makes up about 6-7% of the fatty acids of coconut oil. Both lauric and capric acid have also been shown to have a major effect on insulin secretion, an essential metabolic process for diabetic patients.

Close to two-thirds of the saturated fat in coconut oil consists of medium-chain fatty acids that have antibacterial properties, are easily digestible and enhance the immune system. Furthermore, they are never stored as fat, but are used by the body for energy. You might wonder how a food that contains two thirds of its content as fat can be healthy. Part of the misconception about coconut is related to its content of saturated fat. As a saturated fat consisting primarily of fatty acids in the form of medium triglycerides (MCT), the molecules of coconut fat are small and are therefore used by the body for energy instead of being stored in the form of body fat.

Get slim with coconut oil

A major drawback of dieting is that the body interprets the calorie restriction as starvation and slows down the metabolism. Low metabolism also means low energy levels, which means that normal activities become unmanageable or impossible. In addition, the metabolism will not increase correspondingly when you start eating normally again, which is why dieting in the long run leads to weight gain.

The miracle of Raha coconut oil is that it is never stored as fat, but is used by the body for energy, and that it raises body temperature and speeds up the metabolism. Thus, the body burns calories faster and gets increased energy, which maintains or increases the activity level despite the fact that you want to consume fewer calories (because coconut oil nourishes the body optimally, it does not constantly ask for food).

The quality of coconut oil can vary greatly depending on the age of coconuts used, how it is extracted, whether the oil is further processed and many other factors that contribute to how healthy the oil is. Raha coconut oils meets all strict quality requirements, which means that it does not contain any form of GMO, that it has not been subjected to processing such as. bleaching, deodorizing, refining or curing – and of course it has a really good taste. For the production, only fresh coconuts (not dried coconut as many other oils are made from) are used, grown far from cities and other sources of pollution.

Raha coconut oil has a really delicious aroma and taste, thus used as an alternative to other oils or butter substitutes in baking, frying and pan searing as it is a stable oil that can withstand high heat. With strong aromatic property and rich consistency, you can go coconuts with a generous addition of the oil in your dishes.


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